
These are the books authored or co-authored by Abdelwahab El-Affendi. |
> Who Needs an Islamic State? (expanded second edition), Malaysia Think Tank London, 2008 (1st edition 1991; Turkish translation by Hasan Kosebalaban, Istanbul: Elke, 1994; Indonesian translation also in 1994)
“When it was first published in 1991, Who Needs An Islamic State? was a groundbreaking text designed to kick start fresh thinking on Muslim political thought. Almost two decades later, it has lost none of its potency.”
-Professor Ziauddin Sardar, January 2008- |
Link: http://myislamicstate.wordpress.com/
Reviews: http://www.iculture.org.uk/articles/siyassa/book-review-who-needs-an-islamic-state
> Turabi's Revolution: Islam and Power in Sudan, 209pp., Grey Seal Books, 1991, ISBN 1-85640-004-2 (sole author) (Turkish translation by Hasan Kosebalaban, Elke, Istanbul, 1994). |
Reviews: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayFulltext?type=1&fid=5193088&jid=MES&volumeId=25&issueId=01&aid=5193084
http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=5193084 |
> Rethinking Islam and Modernity: Essays in Honour of Fathi Osman, 194pp., Islamic Foundation, 2001, (editor) ISBN 0 86037 380 0. |
> For a State of Peace: Conflict and the Future of Democracy in Sudan, 54pp., CSD, University of Westminster, CSD Perspectives Series, 2002, ISBN 0-85374-769-2 |
> (Co-author) Islamic Movements and Their Impact on Stability in the Arab World, 253pp., Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies, 2003, ISBN 9948-00-545-7 (Arabic original Al-Hrakat al-Islamiyya wa Atharuha fi’l-Istiqrar fi’l-‘Alam al-‘Arabi, 235pp., 2002, ISBN 9948-00-007-2) |
> (Co-author) Towards Freedom in the Arab World: The Arab Human Development Report 2004, 248pp., UNDP, 2005, ISBN 92-1-126165-1 (published simultaneously in Arabic and French). |
Full text: http://hdr.undp.org/en/reports/regional/arabstates/name,3278,en.html |
> The Conquest of Muslim Hearts and Minds? Perspectives on U.S. Reform and Public Diplomacy Strategies, Brookings Project on U.S. Policy towards the Islamic World, Working Paper, September 2005. |
Full text: http://www.brookings.edu/papers/2005/09islamicworld_el-affendi.aspx |
> Translation of: Hassan Turabi The Islamic Movement in Sudan: Its Development, Approach and Achievements, 319pp., Arab Scientific Publishers, 2009, ISBN 978-9953-87-547-7. |
> Azmat Darfur: Nazra fi’l-Judhur wa’l-Hulul al-Mumkina, (The Darfur Crisis: Roots and Possible Solutions), Abu Dhabi: The Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research, 2009. |
> (co-author) Contextualising Islam in Britain: Exploratory Perspectives, a report published jointly by the Universities of Cambridge, Exeter and Westminster, October, 2009. |
Full text: http://www.cis.cam.ac.uk/CIBPReportWeb.pdf |
> Liman Taqum al-Dawla al-Islamiyya (Translation of the Second Edition of Who Needs an Islamic State?), Amman: Freedom Forum, 2010 |
> About Muhammad: The Other Western Perspective on the Prophet of Islam, Richmond: Legacy Publishing, 2010. |